Using the Course Explorer

Using the Course Explorer

A course may include many stages. Each stage can have any number of objects including targets, people, props, etc. Together, this can represent a significant number of objects. The Course Explorer is a visual hierarchy of the stages and objects that make up a course designed to let you quickly find, group, select, and hide stages and objects by name or type. 


The Course Explorer view is divided into stages, which are further divided into object categories. Stages and object categories can be opened or closed by clicking the corresponding + or – icon next to the stage or category name.

When a stage is opened, it shows a category group for each object type (flat targets, TruTargets, props, etc.) in the stage. Each object type has its own icon to make them easily identifiable. If a stage does not have objects of a certain category, it will not display that category. For example, if your stage does not use Light objects, there will be no category for Lights in the data tree.

Each object type has its own icon in the Course Explorer

A full explanation of all commands and options can be found in the Studio Course Explorer section.

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