The Range Control Panel
The control panel at the bottom of the screen will either show the currently selected training weapons if Practice or Course are selected, or calibration options if Setup is selected.
DART MAX will recognize up to six weapons concurrently. You may also define different sets of weapons for practice sessions and courses.
Weapon Selection
When you are in Practice or Course modes, the bottom Control Panel shows the weapon name, ID, shot marker color, and icon for up to six training weapons as defined by Weapons Setup.
Weapon Types
DART MAX supports multiple weapon types including pistol, rifle, shotgun, taser, or other (reserved for future use). When you set up a weapon for the first time, you can define the weapon type which primarily affects shot penetration. For example, a target or other scene object can be set so that a rifle shot will penetrate it but a pistol shot will not.
Weapon ID
DART MAX uses subtle differences in the laser of a training weapon to distinguish one weapon from another. When you first set up a training weapon, MAX will detect which laser a weapon is using and automatically assign it one of six Weapon IDs.
You must use weapons with different Weapon IDs if you want to separate their shots in the after-action review. For example, if you are using three different weapons that all have an ID of 3, the after-action review will not be able to tell which shots were fired from a given weapon. However, if you used three weapons with ID 1, ID 2, and ID 3, the after-action review would be able to tell you precisely which shots were fired from a particular weapon.
Weapon Color
Each weapon is assigned a Shot Marker color. In the after-action review, this will be the color of the bullet hole seen in the various targets and objects. The weapon icon is shown in the color of the shot marker to make it easier to determine which shots came from a certain weapon.
Any Weapon
Any Weapon is a generic weapon that will recognize shots fired from virtually any laser-based training weapon using an invisible IR laser. This can be used when there is only one shooter. Any Weapon cannot exist with any non-generic weapons. If Any Weapon is assigned to any slot and another weapon with a specific Weapon ID is assigned, the generic weapon will be removed from the Control Panel.
Likewise, if one or more weapons with specific Weapon IDs are assigned, and Any Weapon is selected, all other weapons will be removed from the Control Panel.
Selecting a Weapon
Left-click on any of the six slots and select one of the pre-defined weapons in the multi-select menu. Select None to clear a weapon that is assigned to a slot.
Each time you run DART MAX, it will remember the weapon selection from your previous session.
Once a practice session or course is running, shot information will be shown and updated in real-time as the practice session or course progresses.
You may have different weapons assigned to Practice and Course panels.