TruTarget Motion Controls

TruTarget Motion Controls

TruTarget motion controls provide extra settings not available with any other object type.

Hand / Equip…

Opens a menu to select equipment held in the hand such as a pistol, rifle, knife, phone, or flashlight. The item that is selected here directly affects the actions you will be able to use.


Opens a menu to select compatible actions based on the Hand / Equip… selection. For example, selecting Rifle under equipment gives you access to Hold, Aim, and Shoot options.


Sets the basic posture of the character, for example, upright, on stomach, hand and knees. The selected posture determines what Motion options are available.


Opens a menu to select a motion based on the selected Posture. For example, if the posture is Crouch, the available motions are Sneak and Idle.


Opens a menu to select one of six facial poses (sad, anger, fear, etc.). Any expression can be selected regardless of what action or motion is used.

Path Behavior

Sets the behavior of the object as it travels the path.  Select between Once, Ping Pong, Loop, and Loop Ping Pong.

  • Once - The object will move along the path one time.

  • Reverse - The object will move along the path one time in reverse.

  • Ping Pong - The object will move along the path until it reaches the end. At that point, it will turn 180 degrees and move back along the path to the beginning.  If the time setting is 4 seconds, this setting will create an 8-second motion (4 to go one way and 4 to come back).

  • Loop - The object will move from the first waypoint to the last.  When it reaches the end, it will jump back to the beginning and repeat.

  • Loop Reverse - The object will move from the last waypoint to the first.  When it reaches the first waypoint, it will jump back to the last waypoint and repeat.

  • Loop Ping Pong - The object will move from the first waypoint to the last.  When it reaches the end, it will turn around and move back to the beginning and repeat.

Path Tension

Adjust the curvature of the path around a waypoint. 100% causes the waypoint to be a sharp angle, whereas lesser values ease the tension.

Select Waypoint

Allows the user to select waypoints along a path. Clicking the left arrow selects the previous waypoint. Selecting the right arrow selects the next waypoint. Just like the Object Selector, the left arrow is ghosted if the first waypoint is selected, and the right arrow is ghosted if the last waypoint is selected.

When you select a waypoint, the object position will instantly update to the selected waypoint’s position. Once a waypoint is selected, you can edit its position using the mouse or the Object Transform side panel.

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