Motion controls define the motion for an object. Most controls are identical between objects, however, TruTarget and Video Target objects have a few additional options.
Paths and Waypoints
Any object can be assigned a path that will allow it to move around the scene. Paths are created using a series of two or more waypoints.
Once a path has been created, it can be moved, rotated, and scaled just like an object.
The Motion menu must be active to see an object’s path. Only the selected object’s path will be visible. If an object is not selected, you cannot see its path.
Creating Waypoints
To begin, make sure that the Motion button is selected in the Toolbar. In the Viewport, left-click an object to select it. Alternatively, you can use the Toolbar or Course Explorer to select an object.
Once an object is selected, its associated path becomes visible. All objects begin with a single waypoint (directly at the object’s location) and one plus node. The plus node is initially positioned in front of the object.
To create a new waypoint, click the plus node. A new waypoint will appear and the selected object will immediately move to it. Repeat the process until you have created a sufficient number of waypoints.
New waypoints can be added at any location with a plus node.
Deleting Waypoints
To delete a waypoint, select it and press the DEL key. The last waypoint (and associated plus node) can only be removed by deleting the object associated with it.
Moving Waypoints
Once a path is created, you can move waypoints be selecting them and using the move controller in the Toolbar.
Moving, Rotating, and Scaling a Path
You can select the whole path by left-clicking the path (not on a waypoint or plus sign) so that it turns red. This will allow you to move, rotate, or scale the path as a whole using the object transform controls on the Toolbar.
Deleting a Path
You can also delete a whole path by pressing the DELETE key (or using the Edit/Delete command in the top menu bar) when a path is selected. Deleting a path will leave behind the first waypoint.
Changing Object Rotation and Scale
Beside an object’s position, you can also change its rotation and scale values on each waypoint. In this example, the target starts with a Z rotation value of 0 and changes to 180 degrees by the time it reaches the second waypoint.
Using the Path Follow option will overwrite rotational settings. See a description of the Path Follow command below.
When you change the position, rotation, or scale of an object on a waypoint, you are altering the object – not the waypoint. The waypoint only reflects the position of the object. The object itself shows the transformation (scale and/or rotation) at each waypoint.
Motion Controls
Travel Time
This slider sets the number of seconds it will take the object to travel the distance of the path. Shorter travel times result in quicker movement. A setting of 0 will prevent the object from moving.
Non-human objects will follow the travel time precisely. However, TruTargets are limited by human speeds. For example, if you give a TruTarget five seconds to move 100 yards, it will run as fast as it can for five seconds, but not complete the full length of the path.
Path Behavior
Sets the behavior of the object once it reaches the end of the path.
Once - The object will stop once it reaches the end of the path.
Reverse - The object will move along the path in the reverse direction one time.
Once Ping Pong - Once the object reaches the end of the path, it will turn around and travel back to the starting waypoint. If the time setting is 4 seconds, this setting will create an 8-second motion (4 to go one way and 4 to come back).
Loop - The object will move from the first waypoint to the last. When it reaches the end, it will jump back to the beginning and repeat.
Loop Reverse - The object will move from the last waypoint to the first. When it reaches the first waypoint, it will jump back to the last waypoint and repeat.
Loop Ping Pong - The object will move from the first waypoint to the last. When it reaches the end, it will turn around and move back to the beginning and repeat.
Path Tension
As waypoints are laid down, the resulting path that is created will have slightly relaxed corners. The tension of the path can be changed using the Path Tension slider.
A setting of 0 will causes the path to have very sharp angles. This is good for mechanical objects and flat targets. A higher setting will cause the path to relax, which is preferred for human objects and vehicles.
Select Waypoint
This control will select various waypoints along a path. Clicking the left arrow selects the previous waypoint. Selecting the right arrow selects the next waypoint. The left arrow will be ghosted if the first waypoint is selected. The right arrow will be ghosted if the last waypoint is selected.
When you select a waypoint, the object position will instantly update to the selected waypoint’s position. Once a waypoint is selected, you can edit its position using the mouse or the Object Transform side panel.
Path Follow
This control is either on or off. When on, the target’s orientation will change to follow the path as it moves. When off, the orientation will not change as it moves along the path.
In the example below, the first target has Path Follow set to On. It will rotate automatically based on the direction it is traveling. This will override any rotation values that have been set for the object. The second path has Path Follow set to Off. It will not automatically rotate. This allows you to set the rotation value manually.