

This document describes the new features and enhancements included with the DART MAX 1.1 update.

Timer Objects

Timer objects are definable stopwatches that can measure any important event and added to a scene like any other object. Multiple Timers can be added to a stage to calculate the precise time between incidents or actions.


In addition, two new Timer behaviors have been added including a trigger and an action.

Timer Trigger

The Timer trigger can be used to check if a particular Timer object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified time.

timer behavior.jpg

Change Timer Action

The Chnage Time action can be used by any object to start, stop, reset, or change the color of a Timer object.

timer action.png

Timer Examples

timer example 1.mp4
timer example 2.mp4

Picture in a Picture Navigation

Now when you are in Overview mode and select a Viewpoint object, a movable window will appear showing what the selected Viewpoint sees. This makes it easier to place scene cameras.

pip navigation.png
pip example.mp4

Improvements to the Course Explorer

The Course Explorer now uses color M and B icons to denote which objects have assigned [M]otions, and which have [B]ehaviors. In addition, Light objects now show their assigned colors, making them easier to differentiate in the Course Explorer.

new course explorer.png

Pop-up Reactive Target

A new type of popper target has been added, allowing any Flat Target to be assigned to it. This provides a way to have popper targets with various hit zones.

popup target.mp4

Popper Target Improvements

New options for popper targets allow you to adjust the target's speed as it raises and lowers. In addition, you can assign a sound to play whenever the target rises up.

popper improvements.png
popper improvements.mp4

Object Replace Enhancements

Now when you Replace and scene object using the Edit command, you have the option of replacing just the Object, Behaviors, Motion, or some combination of those settings.

  • Object - replaces the target object’s form only with the copied object.

  • Behaviors - replaces the target object’s behaviors only with that of the copied object.

  • Motion - replaces the target object’s motion only with that of the copied object.

  • Object & Motion - replaces the target object’s form and motion with those of the copied object.

  • Object & Behaviors - replaces the target object’s form and behaviors with those of the copied object.

  • Motion & Behaviors - replaces the target object’s motion and behaviors with those of the copied object. 

object replace.jpg

Attack Behavior

A new action called Attack lists all TruTargets in a scene. Select the desired TruTarget and choose Kill or Wound.

attack action.jpg
attack action.mp4

Conversation Motion

TruTargets now have a conversation motion.


Audio Instructions

If the Instruction Type is set to Text or Image, you can add an audio file that will play when instructions are shown. If an audio file is used, the Instruction Time will default to the length of the audio file.

audio instructions.mp4

Vehicle Improvements

Most vehicles can now be rendered in seven colors (light grey, dark grey, black, brown, green, red, and blue) and the driver door can be opened and closed using the Animated Effect slider.

vehicle colors.png
vehicle colors.mp4

Change Reactive Target Behavior

A new action allows you to raise and lower popper and pop-up targets and adjust the speed and swing angle of swinger targets.

change reactive 1.jpg
change reactive 2.jpg
change reactive.mp4

Fatal Shots

The after-action review will show the shot that killed a TruTarget in a highlighted color so that it is easy to see which shot (or whose shot) killed the target.

fatal shots.png
Wounding shots are shown in red while the killing shot is shown in white.

Adjustable Field of View (FOV)

The recommended screen size for DART MAX is 13 feet wide. At this size, targets and other objects appear life-size. However, if you are projecting an image less than 13 feet wide, you can adjust the camera FOV to increase the apparent size of the targets without changing the distance.

The Field of View be set in DART MAX (Range) and MAX Studio.


The Field of View slider in DART MAX can be found in the Preferences side panel menu.

dart max fov.jpg

MAX Studio

The Field of View slider in MAX Studio can be found in the Course Settings side panel menu.

max studio fov.png

It is highly recommended that you do not project images smaller than 9 feet wide. DART MAX will not be able to create life-size objects if the viewing area is smaller than 9 feet across.

Calibration Troubleshooting

Two keyboard commands have been added to help diagnose problems with calibration.

Left Bracket - pressing the [ key will switch between normal camera mode and object mode (where light is displayed as red circles.

Right Bracket - pressing the ] key will toggle the IR filter inside the camera. When the IR filter is on, the screen should be completely black. If any light (or red circles) are visible when the IR filter is on, there is either sunlight or very bright room light shining directly on the screen. 

Other Enhancements and Fixes

  1. Substantially improved calibration with the addition of a new Threshold slider. Calibration is even faster and can now be done in rooms that are completely dark or filled with light.

  2. Added support for newer OptiTrack cameras.

  3. If no object is selected in the viewport, you can no longer select the Behaviors menu.

  4. Popper target scoring has been fixed so that points are awarded only after knocking down a target. For example, if Hits to Fall is set to 3, points will only be awarded on the third hit (when the target falls).

  5. Decals on floor and ceiling objects are now placed correctly instead of perpendicular to the object. Also, decals are now placed closer to the object’s surface.

  6. Scoring for targets with penetration has been adjusted so that points are awarded on the first target hit only (not the last object hit).

  7. Bullet hole graphics have been improved.

  8. A new camera icon has been added to the DART MAX (Range) toolbar. When the camera is initialized, the icon is active. If the camera is not initialized, the icon is ghosted. If shots are not detected, the first thing to check is making sure the camera is recognized. This icon will show that.

  9. Fixed a problem where shots fired at the very end of one stage would be repeated in the following stage.

  10. Fixed a bug that prevented the viewpoint from changing to a TruTarget view using behaviors.

  11. Fixed a bug in which video instructions would be displayed too large on the laptop screen in DART MAX (Range).


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