Studio Object Transform

Studio Object Transform

In addition to the on-screen transform widgets, Object Transform controls can be used to change the position and orientation of objects - particularly when an exact value is needed or moving them with the mouse is difficult (one object is hiding behind another). The available options will change slightly based on the selected object type. For example, a TruTarget only allows rotation on two axes (named rotate and tilt), while a Flat Target allows rotation on all three but cannot have its depth scaled. 

If the Object Transform menu is open while the user moves an object around the screen with the mouse, the values update in real-time.



Measurement sets the units of the position sliders. It can be set to Inches, Feet, Yards, Centimeters, or Meters.

Position X, Y, Z

Controls the position of an object in 3D space. The Z axis is always up and down. The X and Y controls may an object forward/backward or left/right depending on the orientation of your camera or view.


Rotate X, Y, Z

Rotates the selected object around a selected axis.


If the selected object is a TruTarget, rotation settings behave slightly different. Generally, a TruTarget will face in the direction it is walking, but you can use rotation to controls the head (and some of the upper body). One axis is used to rotate the head left and right with a limit of 180 degrees of motion. Another axis tilts the head up and down with a limit of about 150 degrees. The third axis bends the neck side-to-side with a limit of 90 degrees.

Scale X, Y, Z

The scale sliders will change the size of the selected object in each axis separately - depth, width, and height.


Some objects, such as reactive targets and TruTargets are not meant to be scaled on an individual axis. If one of these objects is selected, the scale sliders will be collapsed into a single Scale XYZ slider, which will allow the selected object to be uniformly scaled.


Snap Move

The Snap Move feature allows scene objects to be moved in predetermined increments (set by the Measurement setting) when using the move control on the Toolbar or the move sliders in the Object Transform panel. For example, if Snap Move is set to 10 and Measurement is set to Feet, objects will move in ten-foot increments when using move controls. A setting of 0 effectively turns this option off.


A Snap Move setting of 10 feet can be useful when using architectural props because most walls, doors, and windows measure 10 feet wide. A Snap Move setting of 10 feet makes it easier to align these props automatically as shown above.

Snap Rotation

The Snap Rotation feature allows scene objects to be rotated in predetermined increments when using the rotation control on the Toolbar or the rotation sliders in the Object Transform panel. For example, if Snap Rotation is set to 45, objects will rotate in 45° increments. A setting of 0° effectively turns this option off.


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