Studio Video Target Editor

Studio Video Target Editor

The Video Target Editor is used to create new flat targets or modify existing ones. Video Targets are similar to flat targets except that they support full-motion video textures (in BK2 format). 

Open Video

Opens a dialog that will load a compatible video file. Once loaded, all frames of the video are assigned to the selected pose, and the pose is given a default name based on its number. For example, if the currently selected pose is 1 of 1, the pose is named Pose01.

Video targets require at least one pose. The first pose is considered the default pose. This is the pose that will be shown in the viewport when a video target is added to a stage, and it is the pose that will appear and play in the Library preview window. The default pose can be changed by navigating to the first pose and changing the starting and ending frames.

Name Pose

When a pose is first created, it is given a default name of Pose01, Pose02, Pose03, and so on, depending on its position. Clicking in the Name Pose field allows you to edit the pose name.

Pose Selection Buttons

Video targets can have one or more poses. The pose control buttons allow you to add, delete, and select poses in the same way that DART MAX can add, delete, and select behaviors. 

  • Add adds a new pose to the existing video target. The new pose will be inserted directly after the current pose.

  • Delete deletes the currently selected pose. Video targets must have at least one pose, so when a video target has only one pose, this option will be inactive.

  • Previous selects the previous pose. If the first pose is currently selected, this option will be inactive.

  • Next selects the next pose. If the last pose is currently selected, this option will be inactive.

Starting and Ending Frames

These sliders allow the user to specify the starting and ending frames of a video texture to use for a given pose with values between 1 and the max number of frames in the currently loaded video texture. When the value of the slider is changed, the video target in the viewport will update to show the corresponding frame of video.

Play Pose

Clicking the Play Pose button will play the entire frame segment (the pose), defined by the starting and ending frame sliders and the End Behavior setting. The button displays the total number of frames in the pose and the equivalent number of seconds.


Sets the unit of measurement to be used by Target Size. Options are Inches, Feet, Yards, Centimeters, and Meters.

Target Size

The Target Size slider adjusts the width (and proportionately the height) of a video target in units based on the Measurement setting. The slider text shows the width and height of the target.

When the Video Target Editor is open, a floating window showing the corresponding zone map of the selected video target appears on the screen.

Zone Selection

A multi-select option that selects one of fifteen zone colors. If a zone color is not being used by the selected target, the swatch is grayed out.

Zone Points

Sets the points that will be awarded for shooting the selected zone.

Zone Audio

Selects an audio file to be played when the selected zone is shot.

This is different from audio that the video file may have embedded. For example, a video target of a man arguing may have speech as part of the video file. But you can also assign a different audio file to play if the video target is shot and hit in a particular zone.

Save Target

Opens a dialog that will save the video target file. After a target is saved, the name appears in the slider.

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