Studio Course Settings

Studio Course Settings

Unlike Stage Settings which only affect a single stage, Course Settings affect the entire course.

course settings fov.png

Course Score Type

Determines if the course will be scored based on points or a percentage of hits. Options are:

  • Points

  • Percentage

DART considers any shot that results in a score of 1 or more to be a hit. Shots that result in a score of 0 or less are considered misses.

Min. Passing Score

Sets the minimum passing score for a course. A setting of 0 means that any score is considered a passing score.

Field of View

The Field of View is set to 90 degrees by default. This provides the best combination of viewable area and accurately sized targets if your screen is 13 feet wide. You may need a lower FOV of 60 degrees or less if your screen size is smaller. Keep in mind that smaller FOVs limit the peripheral view. You can experiment with this by changing the Field of View slider and watching its effect on the viewport.

Field of View (FOV) affects what scene cameras (viewpoints) see and is an important part of ensuring that targets and other scene objects are rendered at the correct size. Larger FOV settings create a wider view but targets and objects appear smaller. Smaller FOV settings limit the peripheral view and increase target and object sizes.

It is important to use the same FOV setting in Range as you do in Studio. When you load a course in DART/MAX Range, it will automatically use the FOV value set when the course was created. This ensures that courses look the same in both the development and shooting stages.

Aspect Ratio

Select from 16:9 Widescreen or 4:3 Full Screen to set the aspect ratio of your course.


The features below are only available in MAX Studio.

Number of Stations

Sets the number of screens the course will use when it is run in Range. You can select between 1 and 6 stations.


You can select a connected of Disconnected layout. A Connected layout has all screens connected; either in a straight or curved arrangement. a disconnected layout allows the screens to be placed in any arrangement (a shoot house for example).

Station Number

Selects the station from the number of available stations sets under Number of Stations.

Station Name

Allows you to assign a name to any station. By default, the names are Screen1, Screen2, and so on. But these can be renamed to names that make sense for your particular course. For example, Far Left Screen, Center Screen, etc.

Screen Angle

Sets the angle of the screen between -90 to 90 degrees.

Load Configuration

After you have set the number of stations, layout, etc. you can save all of this information to a configuration file. Selecting Load Configuration opens a dialog window to select a previously saved configuration file.

Save Configuration

After you have set the number of stations, layout, etc. you can save all of this information to a configuration file. Selecting Save Configuration opens a dialog window to save a configuration file.


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