Introduction to Video Targets
For highly interactive targets, use Video Targets with custom behaviors. This setup allows for dynamic scenarios that branch based on instructor or trainee inputs, enhancing realism and adaptability in training sessions.
Go to the library within the side panel, click on the “Video Targets” folder to open it, and select a video target object. Drag and drop the object from the library to the viewport. I have chosen the “Brian” video target.
Setting the Base Pose
By default, video targets come with distinct poses that you choose to start with and then trigger during the simulation. To view the different poses available for that video target, click on the “Pose” box within the control panel.
If there are more than 2 poses, a drop-down menu will appear with all the different poses. If there are only 2, clicking on the pose box will produce a binary toggle between the 2 different poses.
For the Brian video target, there are 11 different poses available, all with a few seconds of video footage corresponding to the name of the pose.
To Set your base pose, either toggle or select a pose from the drop-down menu. I have selected, “Pull and Shoot Gun.”
By default, the base pose is set to loop after its last frame. Toggle the loop function to “Once” if you want the pose footage to show once and then hold the last frame. Preview the simulation to view the base pose and its corresponding video footage.
Adding Instructor-Triggered Behaviors
The instructor can trigger both sequential and random behaviors based on the trainee’s reactions. For sequential behavior triggering, go to object behavior within the side panel. By default. video targets will come with pre-determined behaviors. In this tutorial, we will make custom-made behaviors according to our needs.
Delete the existing behaviors by clicking on “Del” to the left of “Trigger 1 of #.” Click on “Add” to add a new custom behavior. Start by creating a sequential behavior based on instructor’s key presses. Make sure the process trigger is set to continuous so that it can be triggered at any time.
Set the trigger to “Key Press” and set the key to any key that is not used as a shortcut. I will use key “J” by typing “J” within the Key box. Set the order to sequential so that the exact desired behavior is certain, “deterministic.”
For the action part, click on “Add,” set the action to “Change Video Target,” set the pose to a pose different from your base pose, I have selected the “Suicide” pose.
Finally, decide whether you want your new pose to loop or not by selecting “Once” or “Loop” for “Pose Behavior.” I set the behavior to play once. This way, any time the instructor presses the “J” key, the video target will change to its new pose and play its footage stopping at its last frame.
To deterministically change to another pose, add another trigger with a different key. Preview the simulation and press your trigger key(s) at any time during the preview.
For random branching, I will set up a different key. Click on “Add” to the right of “Trigger 2 of 2.” Make sure the process trigger is set to continuous, the trigger is set to key press, choose any key without an assigned shortcut, and set the order to “Single Random.” Then, set the action to “Change Video Target,” the pose to yet a different pose, and finally, pose behavior whether to loop or not.
To make truly random branches, you need at least 2 poses to go to, “branches.” On the left of “Action 1 of 1,” click on “Add” to make a second branch. set the action to change video target, select yet another pose and choose the loop pose behavior.
This way, when the instructor presses the “K” key, the video target will randomly change pose to any of the branches. Preview the simulation.
Adding Trainee-Triggered Behaviors
The trainee can also trigger different video targets behaviors with or without the need of instructor-triggered behaviors. As with instructor-triggered behaviors, trainees can trigger both sequential and random behaviors. Since trainees interact with the video targets via shooting, we will set up behaviors triggered by hitting the video target.
Add a new behavior by clicking “Add,” on the left of “Trigger 3 of 3,” set the process trigger to continuous, the trigger to “Object hit,” and the order to “Sequential.”
Add a new trigger, set the action to “Change Video Target,” choose a pose different than the base pose, and finally set the loop behavior. Preview the simulation and you should see your video target change poses whenever you shoot at it.
For random branching, while in the same behavior, change the order from sequential to “Single Random,” add an action, set it to “Change Video Target,” change the pose once again, and lastly, set the loop behavior.
Preview the simulation and you should see your video target change to a random pose every time you shoot at it.