Using the Replace Function
If you need to swap two objects, you can use the replace function instead of deleting and recreating them. This function allows you to exchange objects while keeping their properties and settings intact. It saves time and ensures consistency in complex training scenarios, making your setup more efficient and adaptable.
Loading Targets
Start by importing two different flat targets from the library. I will use “B-21E BLACK” and “B-21E BLUE.” In the side panel, go to the library, click on the “Flat Targets” folder and select any two targets of the same type. (Also works with 2 TruTargets, 2 props, etc.) Drag and drop them into the viewport and adjust their positions with either the move transform arrows from the tool bar or by using object transform.
Make sure the objects are in different positions. For this tutorial, we will replace the black target (object 'A') with the blue target (object 'B').
Replacing Objects
To replace just the appearance of an object while keeping its position, waypoints, and behaviors, you can use the “Object” replace function.
Here, I will replace object A’s appearance with object B’s while keeping A’s position. This is the “simple replacement.”
Click on B, the replacement, and copy it by either pressing “Ctrl+C” or going to edit and then copy. After this, click on “Edit” found in the menu bar. This will bring a drop-down menu where you will click on “Replace.” This will bring yet another drop-down menu. From here, click on “Object.” You should see 2 copies of object B in their respective positions.
Replacing Behaviors
When you need to keep the appearance of an object and want to give it the behaviors of another, you can use the “Behaviors” replace function. I will undo the last step so that I see the two different objects before the last replacement. I will add different behaviors to each object.
Click on object A and then go to “Object Behaviors” found in the side panel’s drop-down menu. Here, I will create simple a simple sound-making behavior whenever I shoot object A. Click on the “Add” button next to triggers, make sure the process trigger is set to continuous, add an “Object Hit” trigger by clicking on the trigger box and select “Object Hit” from the drop-down menu.
Keep all settings as default until you reach the “Add” button next to “Actions.” Click on “Add”, select “Play Audio” from the drop-down menu and finally, click on the box next to “Load Audio” to select an audio from the “Audio” folder within the “DART Data” folder. I will use the “Black” audio file found within the “colors” folder. I will repeat this process for object B, loading the “Blue” audio from the same folder.
You can preview the objects' different behaviors by clicking on the “Preview” button in the tool bar and selecting “All objects.” Press Alt and click to shoot within the viewport. Make sure the objects have different behaviors.
Next, click on B, the replacement, and copy it by either pressing “Ctrl+C” or going to edit and then copy. After this, click on A, then click on “Edit”, then “Replace”, and finally on “Behaviors.”
You should see two different objects with the same behavior. Test this replacement by previewing the simulation.
Replacing Motion
When you want to change the position of an object by giving it the exact waypoints of another, you can use the “Motion” replace function. I will undo the last step so that I keep their individual behaviors. I will create two different waypoints to each object.
Click on A and then click on the “Motion” button within the tool bar. Click on the white cross at the end of the path to add a new waypoint. I will repeat this process with B giving it a waypoint at a different direction than A’s. Use the directional arrows or the object transform to position the objects exactly where you want. Toggle “Path Follow” off from the control panel if you want the target to face the viewer.
For this replacement, you will need to cut object B, the replacement with the desired waypoints, to remove it from its current position so that you can replace object A in its place. Click on B, press “Ctrl+X” or go to edit, cut. Then click on A, go to edit, replace, and click on “Motion.”
When previewing the simulation, you should see object A in B’s position with B’s waypoints.
Replacing Objects & Motion
When you want to change the appearance and position of object A, give it the waypoints of another, but keep A’s behaviors, you can use the “Object & Motion” replace function. I will undo the last step to keep the objects' individual waypoints and behaviors.
Click on object B, cut it, and then click on A, go to edit, replace, and then “Object & Motion.” When previewing, you should see B with B’s waypoints but with A’s behaviors.
Replacing Objects & Behaviors
When you want to change the appearance and behavior of object A with that of B but keep A’s waypoints, you can use the “Object & Behaviors” replace function. I will undo the last step to keep the objects' individual waypoints and behaviors.
Click on B, copy it, then select A, go to edit, replace, and finally select “Object & Behaviors.” When previewing, you should see 2 copies of object B, one with A’s waypoints and the other unchanged, both with B’s original behaviors.
Replacing Motion & Behaviors
When you want to change the position, waypoints, and behavior of object A while keeping A’s appearance, you can use the “Motion & Behaviors” replace function. I will undo the last step to keep the objects' individual waypoints and behaviors.
Click on B, cut it, then select A, go to edit, replace, and finally select “Motion & Behaviors.” When previewing, you should see object A where B used to be. Object A will now have B’s waypoints and behaviors.
Try swapping any other two objects in combination with the replace functions. Not all settings might transfer from one object to another. For example. flat targets and TruTargets have different behavior settings that won’t transfer to/from each other.