Importing 3D Objects
Beginning with MAX Studio 1.2, it is now possible to import 3D models in GLB (.glb), GLTF (.gltf), and FBX (.fbx) formats. The model and textures should be contained in a single ZIP or binary file. This tutorial will assume that you have a 3D model file, in the proper format, on your computer system.
Many free and low-cost 3D models can be on Sketchfab. Download models in GLB (.glb) format when possible.
Importing a 3D object is done by selecting the File, Import 3D Object option from the top menu bar.
Once the dialog window appears, navigate to the location of your 3D object, select it, and click Open. By default, the dialog will open in the DART MAX\DART Data\Library\3D Models folder.
When a model is imported, you are given two options; Model Units and Rotation.
Model Units
This sets the size of the model as it is imported. Options are Meters, Millimeters, and Centimeters. The default value of Meters should work in most cases, however, if you import a model and it comes in too large, you can try using a smaller unit size.
Depending on how the original model was created, it is possible that none of the settings will import the model at the perfect size. In this case, use the closest value, then change the model size using the Object Transform controls.
Sets the orientation of the model as it is imported. Options include 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
Once you click OK, the model will be imported. By default, imported models are saved in the 3D Models folder of the Library.
3D Model Settings Panel
3D Model objects have settings for Shot Penetration and Hit Audio settings as other props do. They also have an additional Object Collision setting, which can be on or off.
When Object Collision is on, 3D Models will use a bounding box that encompasses the entire object for collision detection. This will prevent TruTargets from passing through them. This is useful for individual objects like walls and chairs, however, when used in a large-scale environment model, like a parking lot, it will prevent TruTargets from walking across them.
When off, collisions will not be checked. This allows TruTargets to freely pass through the object, which is useful for large-scale environmental types of models.
The state of Object Collision will not affect shot-hit detection.
Other Considerations
If you attempt to load a model file with a name already in use, the Save 3D Model dialog will open so that the object file can be renamed. If you select the same name, you will be asked if he wants to overwrite the existing file.
Some 3D models can be quite large and contain very large texture files. Be aware that importing and using a number of very large 3D models may impact the performance of your courses.