Running a Practice Session

Running a Practice Session

These steps assume that the system has been calibrated and that one or more training weapons have been defined using the Weapon Setup controls. These steps do not have to be performed in this exact order.

Step 1 - Practice Control Panel

Start by clicking the Practice button above the Control Panel. This will show the Practice Control Panel and open Practice Setup options in the side panel as shown below.


Step 2 - Adjust the Practice Setup Options

Using the Practice Setup options, set the amount of time and ammunition allowed for your practice session.


Step 3 - Add a Training Weapon

You may use up to six training weapons in a practice session. For now, select Any Weapon. This is done by clicking a weapon slot and selecting Any Weapon from the list of available training weapons.


Step 4 - Select the Targets and the Initial Distance

The viewport is divided into six lanes. Each lane has a + icon in the top right. Clicking the icon will open the Library in the side panel from which the user can select a target object.

Once a target has been added to a lane, the + icon will change to an X icon. Clicking the X icon will remove the target from the lane.

The Library can be opened any time and target objects can be dragged and dropped into a lane. If a target is dropped into a lane that already has a target, the existing target will be replaced by the new target.

Once targets are assigned, you can set the initial distance of the shooter from the targets using the Distance slider at the bottom of the screen.


Step 5 - Start the Practice Session

Start the practice session by clicking the START icon in the Practice Control Panel, or shooting (or clicking) the Reset target control (if the Target Controls option is active).

The Start and Stop button will toggle when clicked as shown below.

Once ammunition or time has run out, the practice session will end and you will be shown the after-action review. Alternatively, you can click the Stop icon at any time to end a practice session and go to the after-action review.

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