Practice Setup
The Practice Setup side panel contains options for controlling a practice session. This includes options for the number of shots allowed, time allowed, shooter position, etc.
Most side panel options are unavailable while a practice session is running. In order to change a setting, stop the practice session, make changes, and start the practice session again.
Sets the units of measure. Options are Inches, Feet, Yards, Centimeters, and Meters. This setting affects the Viewpoint Height setting in the side panel and the Distance setting in the Practice Control Panel.
Shots Allowed
Sets the number of rounds available. A setting of 0 means unlimited rounds. In this case, the Ammunition Limit button below will be ghosted. Once the number of allowed shots is reached, the program will open the Practice After-Action Review side panel.
Ammunition Limit
A multi-select button that can be set to All Weapons or Per Weapon.
All Weapons means that the amount of ammunition defined by the Shots Allowed slider will be divided among all weapons. For example, imagine that the total shots allowed is set to 10 and there are two shooters. If shooter A fires 9 rounds, that will only leave 1 round for Shooter B.
Per Weapon means that the amount of ammunition defined by the Shots Allowed slider will be given to each weapon. For example, imagine that the total shots allowed is set to 10 and there are two shooters. Shooter A may fire 10 rounds AND Shooter B would also be able to fire 10 rounds. In this example, once a shooter has fired 10 rounds, no more of their shots will register. This is the default setting.
Time Allowed
Sets the time limit for a practice session. A setting of 0 means unlimited time. When time has elapsed, the program will open the Practice After-Action Review side panel.
Loads an environment in which objects/targets are placed.
Dense Outback features an open road in a heavily wooded environment.
Outback an open plain with a few trees.
Outdoor Range a multi-lane firing range. This is the most commonly used environment for practice sessions.
Sandbox open desert with no obstructions.
Time of Day
The Time of Day slider simulates natural lighting that may occur at a particular time of day. The default setting is 0 – or noon. Moving the slider to the right moves into the afternoon and evening, while moving to the left moves through the morning hours. Time of Day affects shadow direction and intensity, ambient light color, and overall scene brightness.
Target Controls
Target Controls can be set to Top, Bottom, and Off. When set to Top or Bottom, a mini target menu will be shown on the screen. These can be shot to set target distance and other settings that control parts of the practice session without the need for a mouse or keyboard. When set to Off, the target menu is not shown
1 moves the shooter’s position 1 unit away from the targets. Units can be inches, feet, yards, centimeters, or meters based on the Measurement setting in the Practice Setup side panel menu.
-1 moves the shooter’s position 1 unit closer to the targets.
5 moves the shooter’s position 5 units away from the targets.
-5 moves the shooter’s position 5 units closer to the targets.
Zoom instantly brings the shooter’s position close enough to the targets to see all 6 lanes.
Clear removes bullet holes from all targets and objects.
Reset will reset the practice session. The shooter’s position returns to the position set by the Distance setting. Time and scoring are reset. All bullet holes are removed. The countdown (if any) will begin again.
The timer shows the amount of time left in a practice session if the Time Allowed is set to a finite number. If Time Allowed is set to Unlimited, the timer shows how much time has elapsed. The Timer is not affected by being shot.
Hits to the mini target strip at the bottom of the screen do not count as shots fired.
Sets a countdown before the start of a practice session between 1 and 9 seconds. Setting the countdown slider to zero (the default) will prevent a countdown from being shown.
Countdown Type
A multi-select button that sets the countdown to Audio and Video, Audio Only, or Video Only.
Audio Only will play audible beeps before the practice session.
Video Only will display countdown numbers before the practice session.
Audio and Video will display numbers AND play audible beeps.
Viewpoint Height
Adjusts the height of the shooter’s view in inches, feet, yards, centimeters, or meters based on the Measurement setting.
Viewpoint Angle
Adjusts the angle of the shooter’s view. Together with Viewpoint Height, this will help you replicate virtually any viewpoint.
This table provides some suggested settings for common shooting positions.
Position | Viewpoint Height | Viewpoint Angle |
Standing | 5 Feet | -2 Degrees |
Kneeling | 3 Feet | 0 Degrees |
Prone | 0.5 Feet | 20 Degrees |
Align Viewpoint
Sets the horizontal position of the shooter’s view. You can select any of the six lanes or Screen, which centers the view in the middle of all six lanes.