Weapon Setup Workflow

Weapon Setup Workflow

This section describes the steps for adding a new training weapon using the Weapon Setup menu.

Step 1. Select the Weapon Setup Menu

When you first select the Weapon Setup side menu, weapon detail information is hidden and an aiming target is projected.


Using the training weapon you want to set up, fire three or more shots at the red center of the target. Keep firing until you feel that your last three shots were accurately aimed.

This allows the program to detect the type of laser being used, and assign it the appropriate Weapon ID.


Step 2. Configure the Training Weapon

Next, you are given the option of configuring your training weapon by setting its type, marker color, and sound.

Weapon Type

This is a multi-select field used to choose the type of weapon this is. Options include Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Taser, and Other. The weapon type determines shot penetration in certain aspects of a course. For example, a wall can be set so that they can be penetrated with a rifle but not a pistol.

Shot Marker

The Shot Marker button opens a color selector used to set the color of bullet holes created by this weapon. This is useful when multiple shooters are firing at the same target/object. The button and weapon icon will reflect the shot marker color.

Shot Sound

Opens a window for selecting the sound the selected weapon will make when it is fired.

Step 3. Saving the Weapon File

Once the weapon has been configured it is ready to save. Before saving, there are some alignment options to consider.

When the 3+ shots were fired, it is likely they did not all hit the precise center of the target. The program captures this offset information and displays it in the horizontal and vertical offset controls. There are several reasons for small inaccuracies including the aim of the shooter, the sighting of the laser weapon, and even system calibration. For this section, we will assume that calibration is correct.

It is recommended that you leave Use Alignment set to No unless you are an experienced user.

If the offset values are small - less than 10-15 pixels - AND YOU ARE SURE THAT THE INACCURACY IS DUE TO THE WEAPON ITSELF AND NOT THE SHOOTER, you can choose to have the program compensate by setting Use Alignment to Yes. In this case, the program will adjust shots fired by the value of the horizontal and vertical offset sliders.

If the offset values are greater than 20 pixels, it is possible that something is wrong with the aiming of the training weapon. This should be corrected by adjusting the weapon.

When you are ready, click the Save Weapon button to save your configuration. It is recommended that you give the weapon a descriptive name and include the Weapon ID number. For example, Colt AR-15 ID 6 or Bill’s GLOCK 17. This will make it easier to assign the correct weapon when running a course or practice session.

Setting Up a Trace Weapon

The Practice section of DART MAX supports weapons that continually trace the aim of a weapon during all phases of a shot: target acquisition, aim, trigger pull, and follow-through. This is particularly useful for accessing the capabilities of new students.

This feature requires a specialized laser training weapon but setup is virtually identical to configuring a regular laser weapon.

While the Weapon Setup side panel is open, activate a trace weapon and fire three or more shots at the center of the target. The program will detect a laser that is continually on (a trace weapon), and set the Weapon ID “0 – Trace”.

Set the various weapon parameters as normal and save the weapon configuration. It is recommended that you use Trace as part of the name of the weapon to make it easy to distinguish from other training weapons.


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