Prop Settings

Prop Settings

Shot Penetration

Determines whether a shot can pass through a prop based on the weapon type. For example, a target may be positioned behind a wall prop. If Shot Penetration for the wall prop is set to Rifle Only, shooting the wall with a pistol (as defined in DART Range) will not affect the target behind it because the shot will not go through the wall. There are four available settings.

  • Rifle Only - only weapons defined as a rifle will penetrate.

  • Pistol or Rifle - any weapon defined as a pistol or rifle will penetrate.

  • Any Weapon - all weapons will penetrate.

  • None - no weapon will penetrate.

In DART Range, a weapon can be defined as a pistol, rifle, shotgun, taser, or other. For the purposes of shot penetration a shotgun and taser are considered weapons and will be included when Any Weapon is selected. They would not be included if Rifle Only or Pistol or Rifle is selected.

Material Preset

Some props have multiple materials (named Material 1, Material 2, Material 3, and so on). Selecting a material from the button’s multi-select menu will update the selected prop’s material in the viewport in real time.

Animated Effect

Some props have associated animations such as doors that can be opened and closed. This slider sets the percentage amount (0-100%) that the door will be open (0%=completely closed).

Hit Audio

Load an audio file that will play whenever the selected prop is shot. For example, you may have a window prop play the sound of broken glass. This is different than the audio option in the Behavior menu, which only plays a sound when certain conditions are met. Clicking the Hit Audio button will open a Windows dialog allowing you to load a sound. 

Like most file buttons, once a sound file is loaded, the button title will change to read Remove Audio. Clicking the button will clear the audio from this setting.


Certain props have a pre-defined area in which a decal can be used. Clicking the Decal button will open a Windows dialog that will allow you to load an image file. Like most file buttons, once a decal is loaded, the button will change to read Remove Decal. Clicking the button will clear the decal from the prop.


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