Flat Target Settings
Shot Penetration…
Determines whether a shot can pass through the selected flat target based on weapon type. Suppose one target is positioned behind another target, if Shot Penetration for the front target is set to Rifle Only, shooting the front target with a pistol (as defined in DART Range) will not affect the target behind it because the shot will not go through the first target. There are four available settings. The default in None.
Rifle Only - only weapons defined as a rifle will penetrate.
Pistol or Rifle - any weapon defined as a pistol or rifle will penetrate.
Any Weapon - all weapons will penetrate.
None - no weapon will penetrate.
In DART MAX, a weapon can be defined as a pistol, rifle, shotgun, taser, or other. For the purposes of shot penetration a shotgun and taser are considered weapons and will be included when Any Weapon is selected. They would not be included if Rifle Only or Pistol or Rifle is selected.
Hits Required to Advance
Each flat target may have up to fifteen hit zones which are designated by specific colors. Each zone can have a different point value, behavior options, and hit requirements.
Some courses may require the shooter to hit a target in a certain location (or multiple locations) before advancing to the next stage. The Hits Required to Advance option sets the number of hits to a selected zone that are required to move on to the next stage. Clicking a zone color opens a selection menu with the numerical values 0-9.
To require two hits to the red zone, you would select the red zone box and choose 2 from the selection menu. A value of 0 (the default setting) means that no hits are required for that zone. Each colored zone button will display the number of hits required to advance to the next level.
Condition to Advance
The Conditions to Advance setting is a toggle control with two options for zone hit requirements.
All Zones - all zone hit requirements must be satisfied before advancing to the next stage. This means that if the red zone is set to 2 and the green zone is set to 1, both conditions must be met before advancing. This is the default setting.
Any Zone - any single zone hit requirement will advance the shooter to the next stage. This means that if the red zone is set to 2 and the green zone is set to 1, EITHER two hits to the red OR one hit to the green will be enough to advance to the next stage.
Simulated Recoil
The Simulated Recoil slider shifts the target’s X/Y position after each hit. The higher the value, the more the target will move. A setting of zero effectively turns this option off. This is a way of compensating for the lack of recoil in some laser training weapons, forcing the shooter to reacquire the target after each shot.
The target will only move when hit. Missed shots will not cause the target to move.
Pivot Position
A multi-select button that sets the rotation pivot of the selected target. The nine options are top left, top center, top right, left center, center, right center, bottom left, bottom center, or bottom right. The default setting for flat targets is the bottom center. The icon will change to reflect the selected pivot position.