Practice After Action Review
The practice after-action review (AAR) provides a detailed breakdown of shots fired during a practice session. DART MAX will go to the after-action review immediately upon completion of a practice session.
There are two screens for the AAR. One is what the admin sees on the laptop monitor. The other is what the shooters see on the projected image.
When a shot is selected in the Practice AAR side panel (using the Shot Selector), the resulting bullet hole will be highlighted in the projected view as shown below. The color of the highlight will depend on the Filter Results setting.
Filter Results
A multi-select button with options for Lane, Weapon ID, All Shots by Zone, and All Shots by Weapon ID.
Lane will total and limit shot information by a selected lane. When the Lane filter is used, shot markers are shown in the color assigned to the weapon that made the shot.
Weapon ID will total and limit shot information by a selected weapon ID. Shot markers are shown in the color assigned to the weapon that made the shot.
All Shots by Zone will total and display all shots regardless of lane or weapon ID. The color or the shot markers will be derived from the target’s zone color in cases where the target has zones. If the target does not have defined zone colors, the color assigned to the weapon is used.
All Shots by Weapon ID will total and display all shots regardless of lane or weapon ID. Shot markers are shown in the color assigned to the weapon that made the shot.
Lane Number / Weapon ID / All Shots
If Filter Results is set to Lane, the Lane Number control will select the lane (1-6) to view.
If Filter Results is set to Weapon ID, the Weapon ID control will select any weapon used in the practice session.
If Filter Results is set to All Shots by Zone or All Shots by Weapon ID the control will be inactive.
Total Score
A total of all points scored based on the filter and selection settings. For example, if Filter Results is set to Lane, and Lane Number is set to 2, the total score will be all points accumulated on lane 2 during the practice even if multiple weapons were used.
Total Time
The total elapsed time from the start of the practice session until the end. Countdown time is not factored into the total time.
Total Shots
The total number of shots fired based on the filter and selection settings. For example, if Filter Results is set to Lane and Lane Number is set to 2, the program calculates the total number of all shots that hit the target in lane 2 even if multiple weapons were used. In this case, the program does not count misses since there is no way of knowing which lane a missed shot was meant for. Filtering by Weapon ID would count all shots, including misses.
Provides a breakdown of Total Shots.
Hits - shots that resulted in a score of 1 or greater.
Misses - shots that missed the target or resulted in a score of 0 or less.
Accuracy - Hits / Total Shots expressed as a percentage.
Shot Selector
The Shot Selector control will scroll through all shots according to the Filter Results and selection settings.
Zoom Level
Sets the camera position used to review shot placement.
Target – fills the viewport with the target that was hit.
Screen – fills the viewport with a view of all six lanes.
Keyboard Control – the viewport can be controlled with the mouse and keyboard.
Left Mouse Button - look around
Mouse Wheel (hold wheel and drag) - pan
Mouse Wheel (scroll) - move forward and backward
W - move forward
A - move left
D - move right
S - move backward
Q - move down
E - move up
Number Keys 1-6 - change the speed of movement with 1 being the slowest and 5 being the fastest
Shot Score
The resulting score of the selected shot.
Shot Time
The amount of time elapsed from the moment the practice session started to the point that the selected shot was registered.
The distance from the target and viewpoint when the selected shot is made, or if the target is a miss, the distance from the viewpoint to the bullet’s impact point. Distance is expressed in feet, yards, and meters.
Object Hit
The name of the object the selected shot hit. If the selected shot did not hit an object, the control will say Miss.
Screen Shot Detail
Turns on and off the shot detail box displayed next to the selected shot. This affects the laptop display and the projected image.