Smart Firearms
DART MAX can use subtle differences in the laser of a training weapon to distinguish one from another.
Most training weapons use a non-programmable laser configured by the manufacturer to support a single Weapon ID. More advanced training weapons, such as those by Smart Firearms, can be programmed by the customer to support any Weapon ID and MAX’s special trace mode.
Programming a Smart Firearms Laser Training Weapon
To set a Smart Firearms training weapon (pistol or rifle) to a specific Weapon ID, pull in and hold the trigger until you hear a tone from the gun. This takes about 10 seconds.
Once the tone is heard, release the trigger and pull the trigger 4 times. You should see a red or green LED on the side of the gun turn on with each trigger pull.
Once you have pulled and released the trigger 4 times you will hear a shot sound, indicating that you are ready to set the Weapon ID.
Pull the trigger 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 times depending on which Weapon ID you want the weapon to use.
Number of Trigger Pulls | Weapon ID |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
Once you have selected the Weapon ID, wait a few seconds until you hear another shot sound. This confirms your selection, and that the gun is ready to use.
Enabling Trace Mode
Trace mode adds real-time shot tracking to DART MAX, which is particularly useful for accessing the capabilities of new students. Trace tracks the movement of a firearm during all phases of a shot: target acquisition, aim, trigger pull, and follow-through.
Trace mode is different than normal shot mode. When you pull the trigger in normal mode, the laser goes on for a brief moment. But in Trace mode, the laser is always on (this is how we can trace the path of the laser). When you pull the trigger, the laser goes OFF for a brief moment.
To enable Trace mode:
Pull and hold the trigger until you hear a tone from the gun. This takes about 10 seconds.
Once the tone is heard, release the trigger, and pull and release the trigger 9 times. You should see a red or green LED on the side of the gun turn on with each trigger pull.
After the 9th pull, wait and listen for a gunshot sound. This will indicate that the gun is in Trace mode.
When the gun is in Trace mode, you can follow the same steps above to turn off Trace mode.
Enabling Round Count Mode
Round count will allow you to set the number of “shots” the gun can fire before you must eject the magazine and “reload”.
Pull and hold the trigger until you hear a tone from the gun. This takes about 10 seconds.
Pull and release the trigger 5 times, and listen for a gunshot sound. This will enable round counting. By default, Round Count mode is not enabled.
When Round Count mode is on, you can follow the same steps above to turn it off.
Changing Magazine Capacity
When Round Count mode is on, you can change the capacity of bullets in the magazine. This is the number of “shots” the gun can fire before you must eject the magazine and “reload”.
Pull and hold the trigger until you hear a tone from the gun. This takes about 10 seconds.
Pull and release the trigger 6 times, and listen for a gunshot sound.
Now pull the trigger any number of times to set the round count. For example, pulling the trigger 3 times will allow the gun to fire 3 times before you must reload. Wait for the gunshot sound.